Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare Patient and Physician Engagement


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Attract and Retain Patients & Improve Physician Relationships for Growth 

Reaching patients in today’s climate requires a new approach. Additionally, your partnerships with physicians are the lifeblood of your hospital’s success. In this webinar, we'll showcase Microsoft’s AI-powered, EMR-connected patient outreach tools.  Learn how hospitals are finding new paths to reach patients - increasing procedure volume and boosting revenue through a more modern approach to digital, email, social, and phone-based outreach. Also, learn how to utilize these integrated tools help hospitals like yours proactively improve physician relationships. 


Watch now and learn key takeaways including:

  • Enabling personalized patient and physician communication.
  • AI-powered integration of EMR, digital ads, social media, and telephony to reach patients.
  • Improving physician relationships through proactive engagement.
Ryan Casey 137x137

Ryan Casey
Vice President


Chad Weiner
Manager, Power Apps