Utilizing Microsoft Customer Engagement: Delivering Business Outcomes that Matter

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is a customer relationship management (CRM) solution that consists of a series of applications for sales, marketing, field services, customer service/engagement, project management and much more. By utilizing Dynamics Customer Engagement, organizations are able to gain insights into data and deliver seamless experiences, thus delivering better business outcomes. 

Alithya, a 2023 top Microsoft Partner, can assist in making your organization more effective and deliver better outcomes. We have helped numerous organizations install, implement, and utilize Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Join us for a bimonthly Customer Engagement webinar series where we focus on common practices, challenges and how to overcome them, best use cases, conduct demonstrations, and much more. Each bimonthly webinar will focus on a different Customer Engagement (CE) topic. 

Fill out the form to view the recorded webinar series, beginning with a video on Engaging Customers with AI - with more to come!

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